Avocado Chocolate Mousse

As a child I had a lot of food allergies and, among other things, chocolate mousse was a definite no-no! My body struggled with dairy from day one, and it was only a few years ago that I was able to add cheese and butter to my diet (big hooary!), so a rich, dairy based chocolate mousse was out of the question.

Since I’ve been eating a low-card-high-fat (LCHF) diet I’ve been able to tolerate milk and cream as well, which has been great, so when I found this recipe at DitchThe Carbs.com I decided to give it a try!

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Having never had ordinary chocolate mousse before, I have nothing to compare this with – but it tastes pretty good to me! The avocado gives it a wonderful creamy texture. I did find it a bit rich for my stomach when I ate it by itself, but when paired with yoghurt and blueberries it is simply delightful! I imagine any kind of berries would work well, but blueberries are my personal favourite.

You can find the recipe here.

I don’t like very sweet things, so I didn’t use the full amount of sweetener that the recipe called for (only used 1tsp instead of 2tbsp). I’d suggest you blend up all the other ingredients first and then add sweetener to taste so you can get it the way you like it.
If you’re not a dairy person, I would guess that using coconut cream instead would also produce a nice mousse. I can’t vouch for this, as I haven’t tried it yet myself, so if you do try it please comment below and tell me how it went!
Another tip: if you’re using a stick blender make sure you put the cocoa and ground almonds in the bowl UNDER the cream. Otherwise when you will likely get covered in a fine shower of cocoa when you start blending!! Learn from my mistakes…